Tips to start your own organic garden

Would you like to eat fresh, healthy food that comes from your own organic garden? Here are some tips for people that want to begin a new path in sustainable gardening. Learn the basics about this with our experienced horticultural advisors.

Sustainable agriculture is one of the keys to a healthier and more better and eco-friendly future. With an organic garden, we can grow our own food using sustainable farming techniques and avoiding the use of toxic chemicals and pesticides. 

Ready to enjoy natural food without negatively impacting the environment? Here are five tips to kickstart your journey into the wonderful world of organic gardening, even if you’re working with limited space.

Choose the right place for organic gardening

Choosing the right place to start your organic garden is one of the fundamentals. You don’t need acres of land to cultivate your eco-friendly oasis. Whether you have a tiny balcony, a small garden patch, or just a sunny windowsill, there’s always a spot for your organic garden.

All you really need is a small area of one or two square meters in your house, or use pots, fruit boxes or bottles if you live in an apartment. Look for areas with ample sunlight and good drainage. Even a humble corner can yield bountiful harvests with the right care and attention.

The Less is more principle

While it’s tempting to dive headfirst into a cornucopia of plant varieties, starting small can be the key to success, especially for beginners. Opt for a select few plants that are easy to grow and maintain. Some excellent choices include robust herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary, which thrive with minimal fuss. Steer clear of high-maintenance varieties like delicate orchids or finicky ferns, at least until you’ve honed your green thumb skills.

Specially for people that are just starting with their organic gardens, is advisable to start small and grow step by step, with one or two varieties that you can gradually get to know. 

Aromatic herbs: A good start for organic gardening

For budding gardeners, aromatic herbs are a godsend. Not only do they add flavor to your culinary creations, but they’re also incredibly forgiving and resilient. Planting aromatic herbs like thyme, sage, coriander, oregano and parsley is a fantastic way to dip your toes into organic gardening. They require little more than sunshine, occasional watering, and a bit of pruning to flourish.

As already mentioned above, mint and basil are also good options for aromatic herbs gardening.

Use recycled materials

Who says you need fancy pots and planters to grow your organic garden? Raid your recycling bin for treasures that can be repurposed into makeshift containers. A plastic bottle for watering, an old buckets, wooden crates, and even discarded egg cartons can all serve as charming homes for your green companions.

When you use recycled materials for organic gardening, just be sure to poke a few drainage holes in the bottom and give them a thorough clean before planting.

Grow common vegetables

Grow What You Love, Love What You Grow. When it comes to selecting crops for your organic garden, stick to the tried-and-true classics that are both easy to grow and delicious to eat. Short-cycle vegetables such as Carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers are all fantastic options for beginners, providing a bounty of fresh produce with minimal effort. Experiment with a mix of vegetables and herbs to create a diverse and dynamic garden that caters to your tastes and preferences.

Mind the time of year

Not all plants can be harvested in the same season. Find out which species are ideal for growing at the time you get down to work. 

Organic gardening requires love and care

The care of an organic garden takes time, care and attention. The work of months could be lost if for a few days you fail to tend to your produce. 

Be patient gardener

How long does it take for an organic garden to start growing vegetables? Remember the value of being patient and spending a few hours a week to tend to the garden. Getting the family involved is a good idea, especially the children so we teach them about the importance of this activity and of environmental care.  

natural light: the right spot for organic gardens

Find a place in your home that gets direct natural light most of the day. If there is no suitable place, try adapting your selection of the species you will grow to the hours of sunshine available.

Product of the organic garden of HPV

Benefits of urban organic garden at home

As we have already mentioned above, it is not only about eating well but also about caring for the environment and promoting a more responsible and sustainable lifestyle. There are plenty of reasons to create an organic garden: 

Healthier Foods

By growing your own organic fruits and vegetables, you ensure that you and your family consume and produce free from harmful pesticides and chemicals, promoting better health and well-being.

Soil Improvement

Organic gardening practices such as composting and crop rotation enrich the soil with essential nutrients, fostering healthier plant growth and improving overall soil quality for future generations.

Reduction of the Carbon Footprint

By reducing reliance on industrial farming practices and transportation, organic gardening minimizes carbon emissions associated with food production and distribution, contributing to a healthier planet.

Saving Money

Growing your own organic produce can significantly reduce grocery bills over time, as the cost of seeds and gardening supplies is often far lower than purchasing equivalent quantities of store-bought produce.

Increased Personal Satisfaction

There’s a profound sense of accomplishment and pride that comes from nurturing a seed into a thriving plant and harvesting your own fruits and vegetables, fostering a deeper connection to nature and the food we eat.

Environmental Awareness

Organic gardening encourages a deeper understanding of ecological systems and promotes sustainable practices that respect the environment, fostering a greater sense of responsibility and stewardship for the planet’s resources

Another important benefit of having your own organic garden is that it fosters biodiversity. By using natural methods, the presence of insects and birds that help control pests naturally is encouraged, thus reducing the need to use insecticides and other chemicals that are harmful to the environment and to our health.

What makes an organic garden different from a normal garden?

There is one option worth considering if you care about the environment: that the garden is organic. You will be making a positive decision for you, for the environment and for the future. Here are some important things to know:

  • No chemicals: Organic gardens are kept free of toxic chemicals, and instead use sustainable farming techniques and natural methods to control pests.
  • Environmental focus: Organic gardens focus on being sustainable and minimizing their impact on the environment, rather than producing food in large quantities.
  • Use only certificated gardening products: To ensure that the organic garden meets organic production standards, it should undergo certification by a certification body.

learn more about organic gardening in Hotel Puerto Valle

There is a heightened focus on health and sustainability that is gaining traction around the world, and organic agriculture plays a key role in this trend. People are leaving aside harmful chemicals and opting for more natural and healthy foods.

The Organic Garden at Puerto Valle is a special place that combines nature with gastronomy, where our guests can see how herbs, fruits and vegetables grow organically and are then used in some of the dishes of our regional menu.

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